Grandparent Testing

Grandparent Testing

Grandparent testing can be useful for establishing a relationship in situations where the potential father cannot be tested. It can be used to examine the relationship between a child and a possible grandparent. Some grandparents are able to obtain joint custody rights and grandchildren are possible eligible for certain benefits.  

what we do

We at Peace of Mind Genetics and Wellness are dedicated to assisting families in determining their biological relationships. Specifically, we specialize in working with grandparents who may have questions about their connection to potential grandchildren. Using our comprehensive testing methods, we collect DNA samples and perform a rigorous 48 profile marker test to ensure accurate analysis. Our team is committed to delivering the most reliable results possible, and we understand the importance of timely service. That’s why we work efficiently to provide test results within a turnaround time of approximately 2-3 days from the start of the testing cycle. Let us help put your mind at ease and provide the answers you’re seeking regarding your family connections.